Fortune 2024 greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. AmenWithout any doubt, I believe God has placed in our hands the required keys for continuous guidance in the race of life through diverse encounters with the Word all through the month of July and may none of us miss our steps again in the pursuit of God’s agenda for our lives in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

But what is the Holy Ghost saying for the Month of August 2024?

We discover from scriptures that most sicknesses and diseases are direct oppressions of the devil – Luk. 13:11-13/ Act 19:11-12
For instance, we saw how satan smote Job with boils, which many take as an ordinary natural occurrence – Job. 2:7

  • We saw how Jesus rebuked fever from Peter’s mother-in-law, and she was made whole – Mat. 8:14-15

  • We also saw a woman that was bent all over, of whom it was said, satan bound her for 18 years; and Jesus loosed her from that captivity. That was not just a spinal issue after all, but a satanic oppression – Luk. 13:11-16

  • Jesus gave us, His disciples power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases – Luk. 9:1-6/ Mat. 10:1/ Mrk. 13:37

    All the above is why we need an understanding of our weapons of warfare, which are not carnal, that is might not appear tangible, but their impact cannot be denied. As we engage these weapons, we ward off all satanic assaults on our health – 2Cor. 10:3-6

    Just like David brought down Goliath with a sling and a stone, these spiritual weapons carry within them the power of God that sets free and makes whole. Therefore, we must not allow anyone to despise the proven spiritual weapons in our hands – 1 Sam. 17:32-50/ Eph. 6:12

    A number of spiritual forces available to us in redemption to conquer attacks of sickness and disease are simple and hidden such as; healing wonders in… the word, faith, praise, fellowship, testimonies, etc. – Luk. 5:17/ Mat. 9:27-29/ Jam. 5:14-15


    Remember, all provisions of redemption deliver on simple biblical secrets which the devil often plays around saying that must be too simple to be true. Yes, the word comes through will all simplicity but at the same time, filled with all power to make what it says happen – 2Cor. 11:3

    All through this month of August, God shall be visiting us to terminate every terminal or incurable disease, deliver everyone appointed to death and restore the health of every single Winner. For with our God, nothing is impossible, and all things are possible to him that believes –  Mat. 9:27-29/ Psa. 102:20/ Mak. 9:23

    Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of August 2024 is:


    Remain ever blessed.

    Jesus is Lord!

    David O. Oyedepo