Fortune 2024 greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

“The people that sat in darkness have seen great light”, this is what I believe is our testimony both as a church and as individuals concerning our glorious destiny in Christ as unveiled all through the just concluded month of June 2024 – Mat. 4:16

May we all receive grace to walk in the light that each one has received in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

But what is the Holy Ghost saying concerning the month of July 2024?

  • Next to salvation, divine direction stands out as one of the greatest assets in the journey of a believer – Psa. 23:1-6/ Isa. 48:21
  • According to biblical prophecies, we are in the era of exploits in the body of Christ – Psa. 110:1-3/ 7:27/ Psa. 87:1-7
  • In these last days, great acts that will humble the pride of the world shall continue to take place both in the Church and in the lives of God’s people – Mic. 4: 1-2/ Isa. 2:2-3
  • It shall be an era of outbreak of light that will bring the church to the limelight – Isa. 11:9/Isa. 60:1-22
  • But the platform for the rise of this great army shall be following divine direction among others – Joel.2:1-8/Gen.26:1-2/12-14/Gen.14:14-20
  • Following the leading of the Holy Spirit will make an eagle of any believer, that is, one that soars while others struggle and sweat – Deut. 32:9-13

God once spoke to me from Isa. 48:17 saying, ‘I am committed to leading you if you are committed to following me’ therefore following divine guidance is a choice–Deut.30:19/Jer. 6:16-19

As we all know, there is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death – Pro. 14:12/ Pro. 16:25

The good news is that God never leads backward; He always leads forward –  Exo.13:17/  Psa.114:1-7

Just as no sheep can ever outgrow the guidance of the shepherd, no believer can ever outgrow divine direction – Act. 16:6-10/ Act. 22:17-21

God was guiding Abraham all through his 100 years of walking with him, that is, from the age of 75 to when he departed for heaven at 175 – Gen. 12:4/ Gen. 22:1-5/ Gen. 25:7-8

This is why every believer needs to be continually guided, because misdirection can be most costly as we saw in the case of Jonah – Jonah. 1:1-17/ Jonah. 2:1-10

On the other hand, most giants of Bible days were divinely guided individuals. These include: Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Gideon among several others. God shall be taking us through the school of divine direction this month and that is sure to make a world of difference in our lives both as a church and as individuals.

Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of July 2024 is:                                                 

On My Way to My High Places – Deut. 32:12-13

Recommended books of the month authored by Bishop David O. Oyedepo include:

* Understanding Vision

* Understanding Divine Direction

* In Pursuit of Vision                                  

* The Breakthrough Power of Vision

Remain ever blessed.

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo