Jesus once met a Samaritan woman by the well, ministered to her by the Word of Knowledge and by that encounter she saw Christ as the Messiah and went out to the city saying:

“Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?…then they went out of the city and came to Jesus” – John 4:29-30

Operation Come and See which is coined from the above scripture is all about going out there to bring people to Christ either by getting them saved on the field or bringing them to Church to meet with Christ for their salvation just as that Samaritan woman did. As it is written:

“And many believed on Him because of the sayings of the woman…and many more believed on Him because of His own Word” – John 4:39, 41

Operation Come and See is all about:

  • Marketing Christ to the dying world for their salvation – John 3:1-8
  • Bringing the sick to Christ for their healing – Matthew 8:16-17
  • Bringing the captives to Christ for their deliverance – Luke 4:33-36
  • Bringing the poor to Christ so they can be made rich – 2 Corinthians 8:9
  • Bringing the confused to Christ so they can have direction – John 8:12
  • Bringing the sorrowful to Christ so they can encounter joy unspeakable full of glory – I Peter 1:8
  • Bringing the battered and beaten individuals to Christ so they can have hope that makes not ashamed – Romans 5:5
  • Bringing the barren to Christ so they can have their miracle children – Matthew 11:28-29
  • Bringing the unemployed to Christ so they can have their desired miracle job – Matthew 20:1-8
  • Bringing those under any form of business and career spell to Christ for their breakthrough – John 8:36
  • Bringing those under any form of marital spell to Christ for their rescue – Psalm 68:6
  • Bringing the backsliders to Christ for their restoration – Luke 15:4-7

…and much more.

Therefore, in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, Operation Come and See which comes up between 5th August – 1st September 2024 is hereby flagged off towards the full delivery of the membership consolidation and multiplication agenda of the year in this Church. Amen.

Remember, it is no big deal for our God to double the attendance of this Church in one month because He is the God of all flesh and there is nothing too hard for Him (Jeremiah 32:17).

We saw how almost a whole city gathered together to hear the Word of God on a Sabbath day and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. We shall see strange things regarding supernatural church growth this month (Acts 13:44, Hebrews 13:8, Luke 5:26).

All we need is to be committed to our part of praying kingdom advancement prayer, reaching out to the lost with love and passion and bringing men and women to church to meet with Christ for their salvation, deliverance and breakthrough.

According to scriptures, Paul must plant and Apollo must water before God steps in to bring the increase.

For this reason, every Winner must ensure the establishment of at least three souls in this Church within the next three weeks.

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo
Winners’ Chapel International